Category: Publications

Small cell economics external full report v1 1 clean

Small Cell Cost Sharing – Full Report

There is a long held vision of very high capacity networks using small cells in areas of high demand. With the expected availability of large quantities of mmWave spectrum for 5G, this opportunity in principle becomes even greater. But the economics of small cell deployment have proved very challenging in practice – and this challenge will only increase at mmWave frequencies, where coverage of an individual cell is typically even smaller. Unless the industry can find ways to reduce the per cell building, operation and maintenance costs, the opportunity to build out small cell networks using mmWave spectrum will be severely constrained.

This NGMN report aims to identify and assess different approaches to improving the economics of small cells through some form of cost sharing between operators (with 5G small cells possibly anchored to an LTE coverage layer). This study considers different economic models (including such as independent “neutral host” or jointly owned infrastructure companies) as well as technology aspects.


1912 NGMN Deckblatt Rural Coverage

Non-Terrestrial Networks Position Paper

NGMN’s Extreme Long-Range Communications for Deep Rural Coverage project presented in paves the way for the study of cellular coverage for sparsely populated areas. In this study, a number of Mobile and Satellite Technologies that could provide coverage to remote areas have been analysed and studied.

The present paper elaborates on that recommendation, providing an overview and analysis of non-terrestrial cellular technologies that can provide coverage to remote areas.


200210 NGMN Verticals URLLC Requirements v16

5G E2E Technology to Support Verticals URLLC Requirements

The aim of this work is to illustrate how 5G end-to-end deployment can meet vertical requirements and also highlight what are the main 5G URLLC technology enablers for use cases identified in the report. Some of these new use cases impose extremely low latency and high reliability requirements on 5G system from end-to-end perspective. This report also briefly describes 5G URLLC enablers along with reference architecture for specific use case and further evaluate how 5G URLLC can enable such use cases.

190923 Continuous Delivery in Telecommunication Network Environments

Continuous Delivery in Telecommunication Network Environments

Today, production networks are strictly separated from test networks and development environment networks for security and operational reasons. This gap between “Continuous Integration” automation in one network zone and deployment automations in other network zones hinders seamless “Continuous Delivery” automation.

This white paper focuses on solving the this challenge.

190916 NGMN E2EArchFramework v3.0.8

5G End-to-End Architecture Framework v3.0.8

The purpose of this document is to provide a high-level framework of architecture principles and requirements that provide guidance and direction for NGMN partners and standards development organisations in the shaping of the 5G suite of interoperable capabilities, enablers, and services. It builds on the architectural concepts and proposals implied by the NGMN White Paper and subsequent deliverables published by NGMN.


The elements of functional virtualisation shift of computing to the edges of the network, and leveraging of spectrum distribution and flexibility, are among the dominant themes that shape the 5G ecosystem. Optimisation of operational and performance efficiencies, while creating and delivering an exceptional and customisable user experience is of paramount significance.

190903 RAN Convergence Paper

Joint NGMN/WBA RAN Convergence Paper

In order to examine the best future solutions for convergence of Wi-Fi and 5G, this paper examines the current Wi-Fi interworking solutions available for 4G systems using either trusted or untrusted Wi-Fi access, through either Core Network based or RAN level integration. It also reviews the 3GPP 5G system approach to Wi-Fi access, which includes integration of untrusted Wi-Fi access in Release 15 and the new opportunities in Release 16 for trusted Wi-Fi access as well as wireline and cable modem access such as from a residential gateway. Release 16 specified Access Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting (ATSSS) functionality is analyzed which enables data session over one or more concurrent accesses.
190827 NGMN RF Cluster Whitepaper V1.13

NGMN reaches 5G Milestone with Recommendation of Common Cluster Connector

This document describes the objective of the NGMN cluster connector taskforce project, outlines the process for reaching an industry wide decision meeting the objective, and summarizes the outcome of the decision.

The focus of this document is on Phase 1 of the NGMN cluster connector project; early 5G deployment of e.g. TDD/5G NR 8T8R antennas.


190802 NGMN PreCommTrials Framework definition v3.0

Definition of the Testing Framework for the NGMN 5G Pre-Commercial Networks Trials

The focus of this document is to evaluate the performance of 5G new radio (NR) which is based on the 3GPP standard.

The main purpose of this document is to assess and benchmark the performance of the 3GPP compliant 5G NR.

Initially the focus is on phase 1 (release 15) of the 5G NR standardisation which focuses on enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and some aspects of ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC).

190919 NGMN Service BasedArchitecturein5GCaseStudyandDeploymentRecommendations

Service-Based Architecture in 5G Case Study and Deployment Recommendations

The main target of this document is to investigate the following aspects, which were not covered in phase 1.

  • How to make services more decoupled to achieve independent Life Cycle Management (LCM) and flexible service deployment and management.
  • How to achieve high performance, including low delay, high concurrency, high reliability, and security
  • Investigate how to support roaming across different 5G core networks
  • Case study for generation of network slicing and edge computing by service
  • Case study and recommendations for a distribution strategy of network services


200210 NGMN Verticals URLLC Requirements v16 1

Verticals URLLC Use Cases and Requirements

This document summarizes URLLC use cases that have been developed in various SDO’s and industrial consortia, identifies some of those use cases that are more likely to be focus of the eco-system initially. It intends to provide guidance to SDO’s in developing technology to support URLLC and further work on “E2E technical solution for URLLC” in the NGMN project “Verticals URLLC requirements”.