Category: Publications

NGMN Technical Document 5G Small Cells at Home v1.0

5G Small Cells at Home

The first objective of this white paper is to explore the potential technologies that could help improve the performance of local connectivity at home.
In addition to this, the second objective is to look for solutions of radio resources management at home that would be controlled by the network. The current situation is that the local connectivity is selected by a connectivity manager embedded in the operating system of smartphones that may not have a complete view of what happens, for instance in terms of traffic on cellular networks.
The global objective for operators is then to keep home users connected wirelessly to their local – fixed access network based – connectivity (delivered e.g. by Wi-Fi, a “small cell at home”) with a “premium” quality of service instead of adding pressure on the Radio Access part of the mobile macro network. Challenges for mobile macro networks are for example a lack of (licensed) spectrum that can cover efficiently indoors from outdoor macro network (e.g. low bands spectrum), cost of the radio sites, incl. equipment.

190606 NGMN 5G Ext Long Range D1 v1.7

Extreme Long Range Communications for Deep Rural Coverage (incl. airborne solutions)

In this document reasoning for providing coverage for sparsely populated areas are presented along with a number of Mobile and Satellite Technologies that could provide coverage to remote areas.

There is a sound business justification to provide affordable Voice and Data Services for sparsely populated areas, such as Sub-Sahara Africa, but also for higher ARPU markets with wide rural areas, such as North Canada. Mobile network operators worldwide have both economic and social incentives to offer services to rural residents, but efficiently serving dispersed populations with current technologies is difficult and rural access lags significantly behind urban access.

For many network operators, who want to expand addressable markets and satisfy users interest or who under regulatory obligations or social responsibilities willingness must cover vast areas of sparsely populated regions, a cost-effective technology is essential which on one hand provides adequate voice and data services and other hand is economically sustainable to deploy and to maintain.

The purpose of the NGMN’s Extreme Long Range Communications for Deep Rural Coverage program is to explore the challenge of addressing rural markets and to create industry momentum around long range communications solutions that are suitable for offering Internet access to rural populations who are underserved today.

190412 NGMN RANFSX D2a v1.0

5G RAN CU – DU network architecture, transport options and dimensioning

This document aims to provide detailed updates on the functional split options for 5G and provide insight into how these splits might be deployed.

190312 5G Network and Service Management  including Orchestration 3.14.0

5G Network and Service Management Including Orchestration

This document describes requirements for 5G Network and Service Management including Orchestration. The Document includes requirements covering all potential parts of future networks, i.e., fixed-, mobile-, cloud, virtualized technologies from a Network and Service Management including Orchestration perspective.

190306 BASTA Passive Antenna Whitepaper V11.1

Recommendation on Base Station Antenna Standards (V11.1)

This whitepaper addresses the performance criteria of base station antennas, by making recommendations on standards for electrical and mechanical parameters, by providing guidance on measurement and calculation practices in performance validation and production, and by recommending methods for electronic data exchange. It also addresses recommendations on applying existing environmental and reliability standards to BSAs.

NGMN Publication bearbeitet

NGMN Recommendations on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) Update

In a letter from the NGMN board members to the European Commission, NGMN reiterates its position to adopt a forward-thinking, technology-neutral approach in developing the EU’s C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) strategy.

The letter, addressed to EC President Jean-Claude Juncker, calls upon European legislators to reconsider the current EC Draft Delegated Act in order to include cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) on the list of available/mature technologies that European stakeholders may utilise, therefore allowing the market to develop most effectively.

190903 RAN Convergence Paper 1

RAN Convergence Paper

NGMN and Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) have published the first results of their collaboration to drive the convergence of multi-technology RANs and core networks. The joint report identifies a number of emerging opportunities and use cases that the industry can benefit from through the convergence of 5G and Wi-Fi, driven by the ever-enhancing capabilities of licenced and unlicensed technologies. It also highlights the key challenges which must first be addressed in order to realise this convergence – including tighter integration of Wi-Fi access in 5G networks, network manageability and policy control, and the enablement of Wi-Fi-only devices.

NGMN Publication bearbeitet

Liaison between NGMN project on 5G E2E Architecture Framework and 3GPP WG SA2

Liaison from the NGMN project on 5G End-to-End Architecture Framework to 3GPP WG SA2 on the draft white paper from said project.

190111 NGMN PreCommTrials Framework definition v2 small

Definition of the Testing Framework for the NGMN 5G Pre-Commercial Network Trials (Version 2)

This document (Version 2) focuses on the pre-commercial network trials phase of the NGMN 5G Trial & Testing Initiative which has the following scope:

  • Developing a testing framework for 5G New Radio (NR), as developed by 3GPP, allowing the harmonization of the testing methodologies between the different parties conducting trials.
  • Devising a strategy for the trials activities to guarantee efficiency and success of the different trials activities.
  • Testing 5G capabilities in realistic conditions with pre-commercial equipment.
NGMN Publication

NGMN Recommendations on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)

In a letter from the NGMN board members to the European Commission, NGMN strongly recommends to adopt a forward-thinking, technology-neutral approach in developing the EU’s C-ITS strategy.

The letter, addressed to EC President Jean-Claude Juncker, calls upon European legislators to reconsider the current EC Delegated Act by including C-V2X on the list of potential technologies that European stakeholders may pursue and allow the market to decide which technology prevails.

The board urges that given its importance, the Delegated Act adoption should not be rushed but conducted in transparent consultation with all stakeholders.

A recent white paper on V2X technology published earlier this year by NGMN was also included, outlining the advantages of cellular technology over the less desirable wi-fi technology currently being considered.