NGMN Deckblatt 6G Drivers and Vision 424x600

6G Drivers and Vision

In this paper, the NGMN MNOs, with input from NGMN Partners (vendors, research institutions), outline their vision for 6G representing a future evolution of networks enabling differentiated services with expanded market opportunities and novel experience.  It first describes the drivers for 6G, and the key necessities to guide the future technologies to respond to the needs of the end users, societies, and MNOs. This is followed with NGMN’s vision of 6G, its novelty and capabilities to meet the drivers identified.

We discuss a number of fundamental aspects, including new scope and approach, that need to be considered in design and development of the next generation of standards and technologies. Furthermore, we recommend that research and the development of future ecosystems prioritize the key gaps and challenges discussed in this paper.