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NGMN Alliance Announces: Ms. Anita Döhler as New CEO

The Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance announces Ms. Anita Döhler as new CEO and Board Director. She will take over her new role from Dr. Peter Meissner, who will retire from this position on June 30, 2020.
Since its incorporation in 2006, Dr. Peter Meissner acted as founding director and CEO of the NGMN Alliance. Under his leadership, NGMN grew from a handful of operators to a group that consists of 100 operators, vendors and research institutions – plus over 20 cooperation partner organisations – and has successfully guided and shaped the evolution of 4G and 5G. Peter Meissner will remain active as Senior Advisor to the NGMN Board.
Emmanuel Lugagne Delpon, Group CTO of Orange and Chairman of the Board of NGMN said: “Peter has been at the helm of NGMN as CEO for nearly 14 years. He led NGMN through the development of the 4G White Paper, the subsequent LTE-based Work Programme, the 5G White Paper and the following 5G Work Programme and, recently, the initiation of “Beyond 5G”. These activities have substantially impacted the developments in standardisation and the industry to meet the ambitious requirements of the global telecommunication community. Peter drove the growth of NGMN to an active and impactful organisation with a strong global presence. We thank Peter for his leadership and relentless drive for the success of NGMN and the partnership and wish him all the best for his well-deserved retirement.
At the same time, we welcome Ms. Anita Döhler as our new CEO and Board Director. She is a long-term telecoms industry executive, with hands-on operator and vendor experience. Her qualifications are outstanding, and we are looking forward to working with Anita to drive the next step of the evolution of telecommunications technology in a dynamically growing ecosystem and with new requirements, that are not only technically driven, but have become an integral part of the ecological and societal challenges of the future.”
“I am proud to be leading NGMN as one of the major driving forces of the telecommunications industry,” said Anita Döhler. “This industry has become a solid backbone of the day to day life of global society, which was proven during the recent COVID-19 crisis. I am looking forward to contributing to the future of communication together with the leading operators, vendors and research institutions of the world, as well as new players from other industries that are joining the telecommunication ecosystem. With 5G on a quite successful growth trajectory, NGMN is now going to accelerate the full 5G realisation in our Work Programme. You can expect to hear more from us soon.”
Anita Döhler will take over from Dr. Peter Meissner on July 1st, 2020, joining the NGMN office team in Frankfurt.

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First Public 5G Network in Sweden

Tele2 launched its first public 5G network in Sweden on 24th May 2020. From June 2020 and onwards, Tele2’s customers are able to enjoy the next generation mobile network with speeds surpassing 1 Gbit/s in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. That is up to four times faster than today’s 4G network.

5G technology is crucial to cater for the increasing demand for connectivity. 5G enables faster data consumption, but, perhaps more importantly, it also enables a much higher number of connected devices. Not only will Tele2 continously increase the number of antennas that provide connectivity, but each 5G antenna is also able to handle a much higher number of connected devices.

Follow this link to read the full article: https://www.tele2.com/about/who-we-are/tele2-5g

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NGMN Green Telco Activities

In its conference call on 22nd April 2020 the NGMN Board of Directors unanimously decided to engage on activities towards carbon neutrality.

A new team will be established shortly to analyze and determine 5G energy consumption, renewable energy sources, and other related topics.

In a first step all operator partners are invited to discuss and outline the objectives of the initiative, while in step two also all industry partners and researchers will join and complement.

All NGMN partners will work together to introduce aligned green demands to the ecosystem.

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Autonomic Framework for 5G and Beyond

Sebastian Thalanany
by Sebastian Thalanany
U. S. Cellular

Context and Challenge

Virtualization, combined with a decoupling of the control plane and the user plane, together with a plurality of access networks, and disaggregated radio networks with assorted capacities and coverage footprints, provides unprecedented levels of customization and flexibility for the Network Service Provider, for the deployment of a 5G and future systems. These directions in turn demand correspondingly higher levels of distributed computing, storage, and networking capabilities to augment the service experience and quality for a human or a machine interface.

Beyond this ever increasing demand for enhancing the computing, storage, and networking capabilities of next generation wireless access systems, while satisfying the constraints of smaller, faster, and cheaper, there is a critical system-wide requirement that must be met for satisfying a rich and diverse service paradigm. This critical system-wide requirement is the management of complexity, across interconnected and interdependent constituents of a system operating within a given environmental context of humans and machines. While decentralization and distribution, together with appropriate levels of localized computing, storage, and networking resources, provide enhancements in terms of system and service related KPIs and the quality of service experience, the pivotal challenge is to effectively and efficiently manage complexity associated with increasing levels of system-wide interdependence and interconnectedness involving humans and machines.

The management of exponentially increasing levels of system-wide interdependence and interconnectedness, in terms of configuration, administration, operation, fault isolation, security, privacy, performance, optimization, availability, reliability and service experience, demands a dynamic, rapid, adaptive, and agile system-wide decision-making scheme. Such a scheme exceeds the human response limits, and piecewise automation strategies, associated with traditional system management.


With these unprecedented emerging challenges, a scheme for the management of system-wide complexity is inspired by the human autonomic nervous system, which maintains a dynamic system-wide awareness and regulation, by embedding self-managing entities distributed throughout the physiological and psychological system. As one example, among a myriad of complex scenarios, the autonomic nervous system balances the heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure for sustaining life. In another example, the complex feedback loops, between the brain as a controller and its widespread interconnections with self-managing entities (e.g. organs, glands, muscles etc.), maintain system-wide harmony automatically, without any conscious intervention.

Relevance and Applicability

The self-governance principles embodied in the autonomic nervous system reveal essential characteristics realized in terms of an end-to-end autonomic framework for 5G and future systems. The autonomic principles of self-management and governance are particularly relevant for managing the growing complexity associated with high-levels of distribution and decentralization in terms of computing, storage, and networking resources. Virtualization enables these resources to be arranged in flexible deployment specific modalities, consisting of a core network, assorted radio access networks, and spectrum, together with human and machine type interfaces (e.g. handhelds, actuators, sensors, wearables, customer premise equipment etc.). At the same time, the computing, storage and networking resources are likely to owned and operated by a federation of distributed entities that are enabled to cooperate and collaborate for rendering a customizable service paradigm.

An end-to-end autonomic framework consists of embedded self-managing capabilities, distributed across the entire 5G and beyond infrastructure. This capability provides a dynamic system-wide awareness and self-governance, which obviates the need for human intervention from an operational perspective. The autonomic framework realizes this significant benefit by dynamically and adaptively adjusting to system-wide environment changes (e.g. traffic patterns, capacity, coverage, software, new service integration, fault prediction, fault mitigation, fault isolation, security threats, privacy safeguards, energy conservation etc.), while optimizing system-wide behavior, performance, and service experience. The embedded self-managing characteristics of an end-to-end autonomic framework are delineated in terms of self-Configuration, self-Healing, self-Optimizing, and self-Protection attributes[1]. These cognitive attributes embedded within cooperating entities, pave an evolutionary path to a zero-touch (no human intervention) automation of operations on a system-wide basis, well-beyond the limits of automation afforded by just a collection of self-managed entities.


  1. ETSI, “Autonomic network engineering for the self-managing Future Internet (AFI); Generic Autonomic Network Architecture”, GS AFI 002 V1.1.1, April 2013

NGMN Security Consideration of Low Layer Split in O-RAN

In this Liaison Statement from NGMN to the O-RAN Alliance, the NGMN Alliance informs O-RAN that the security of low layer split in O-RAN needs to be globally considered. Security considerations on threats depend on the deployment model and use case. NGMN therefore proposes a two-phase approach to mitigate such threats.


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NGMN Alliance Launches Initiative to Advance Cloud, Automation & Edge Computing

Frankfurt, Germany – The Board of the Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance launches new key activities to support the adoption of a cloud native infrastructure for telecommunication service providers. The initiative will address hybrid cloud architecture (e.g. edge computing) challenges and will lead to a paradigm change in the network vision of the industry.

The project has been highlighted as a crucial development area to further optimise and guide the telecoms industry towards the successful deployment of 5G beyond 2020.

TIM senior manager, project sponsor and member of the NGMN Alliance Board Andrea Calvi said: “We’re delighted to be leading the way with 5G projects that will address and define the high level target architecture for telco networks based on cloud native infrastructure, open interfaces and open source adoption. This will open vendor ecosystems, reduce TCO and gain flexibility.”

“NGMN is proud to be leading the efforts to address and define the target architecture for the most relevant use cases for E2E automation and orchestration, made possible by this initiative.” said Dr. Peter Meissner, CEO of the NGMN Alliance. “The qualitative effects of cloud native will support telco service providers with value creation and sustainability.”
The work will address requirements from operators who are keen to deliver efficient, high-quality and reliable 5G networks to the market. Activities include cloud native infrastructure, hardware dis-aggregation, open interfaces, open platforms, edge computing, and automation.

NGMN recognises that a number of industry organisations are currently working on different aspects of the topics described above. This NGMN initiative aims to facilitate a close alignment leading to the integration of results to form a common architectural view.

200114 5G Devices Categorization v1.2

5G Devices Categorization

The purpose of this document is to provide a use-case based categorization of 5G Devices implementing 3GPP Rel-15 relevant Technical Specifications.

In particular, 5G Devices coming to market between 2H 2019 and 1H 2020 are addressed.

For each 5G Devices category (among eMBB, Fixed Wireless Access and Industrial), a set of mandatory and recommended features is defined.



5G Devices Categorization

The purpose of this document is to provide a use-case based categorization of 5G Devices implementing 3GPP Rel-15 relevant Technical Specifications.

In particular, 5G Devices coming to market between 2H 2019 and 1H 2020 are addressed.

For each 5G Devices category (among eMBB, Fixed Wireless Access and Industrial), a set of mandatory and recommended features is defined.


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NGMN Alliance and ESOA Members Collaborate to Extend Rural Connectivity with Non-Terrestrial Networks

Frankfurt, Germany – The Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance in collaboration with members of the EMEA Satellite Operators Association (ESOA) have progressed the development of Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs) as 3GPP enhances 5G to support non-terrestrial access in their Release 17 work programme.

Providing a convincing case for the implementation of NTN technology, the NGMN Alliance worked with key ESOA members to successfully demonstrate to 3GPP that space-based networks provide an effective alternative for network connection beyond traditional deployment methods, especially in rural areas. “It was a great achievement to make an impact on 3GPP’s decision to include NTN in the Release 17 work programme through the NGMN Alliance NTN positon paper, which demonstrates technological integration between terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks to significantly progress the extension of network coverage” said Sebastien Jeux (Orange), lead of NGMN project “Extreme Long Range Communication for Deep Rural Coverage”.

The paper highlights the requirement for mobile network operators (MNOs) to integrate space-based systems into their networks.

“We are proud to demonstrate the potential of the integration of terrestrial and NTNs to provide internet and mobile broadband services to users in harder to reach areas such as coastlines, forests, deserts and mountains.“ said Dr. Peter Meissner, CEO of the NGMN Alliance. “By 2025, we envision the full deployment of NTNs to meet the challenges of mobile network operators and vertical industries in terms of reachability, availability and resilience which will make a significant difference to the extension of 5G connectivity.” 

Integrating space-based systems with existing terrestrial networks enables mobile network operators to overcome the challenge of signal quality and roaming capabilities in underserved areas.

In the 5G world, terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks will further complement each other including utilizing integrated 5G direct satellite access to conventional smartphones in order to deliver superior coverage to users.

Several use cases were also identified for new satellite-based services in the absence of conventional cellular coverage. These go beyond rural broadband and vehicular connectivity to include geostationary orbit satellite (GEO) fixed Internet of Things (IoT) direct connectivity, which will aid farming, sensing, asset tracking and oil and gas vertical markets. Ultimately, the development will facilitate the movement towards advanced public safety and smart cities.

The paper further assesses reliability and efficiency with regards to the feasibility of service transmission between user equipment (Class 3 UE, Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) UE and IoT devices) and NTN platforms such as satellites – both GEO and non-geostationary (NGSO) – and high-altitude platforms (HAPs), concluding that NTNs can provide direct mobile broadband access.

NGMN will continue deeper NTN analysis based on the requirements of mobile network operators expressed in this White Paper, jointly with all industry stakeholders.

To read the full findings of the NTN Position paper, please click here.

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Pre-Commercial Networks Trials Major Conclusions

Given the freeze of 3GPP Release 15 5G standards and the onset of some initial 5G commercial deployments in countries such as South Korea, many operators accelerated their 5G trials in 2019.

As a part of NGMN 5G Trial and Testing Initiative (TTI) project, some major NGMN operators, shared their initial 5G trial results.

Pre-commercial network trials phase of 5G TTI aims to consolidate the results from different operators and reach some major conclusions.

Overall, this consolidation effort, which gathers Trial reports mostly performed using a common methodology, permits to draw some very promising conclusion on the performances of early 5G implementations. Additionaly, it brings as well some observations that could lead to future improvements.