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Industrial 5G Growth Strengthened with NGMN and 5G-ACIA Agreement

Joint NGMN and 5G-ACIA Press Release

Frankfurt, Germany – the Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance (NGMN) and the 5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation (5G-ACIA) have today announced to jointly shape and promote industrial 5G applications.

The agreement comes as both NGMN and 5G-ACIA look to enhance cooperation between operators and industries to realize the opportunities that 5G technology offers. The partnership between NGMN and 5G-ACIA will provide the technological foundation for new business models that will unleash new markets and growth in the industry, extending far beyond the mobile broadband applications of 5G.

Dr. Peter Meissner, CEO of the NGMN Alliance, said: “This agreement is the foundation for extended progress and development of 5G for industrial applications. NGMN has already done substantial work in several of its projects, e.g. URLLC for Vertical Industries. The work of NGMN and 5G-ACIA enhances the mutual understanding of how 5G can better support the industry and we are looking forward to the close co-operation of these two major alliances to bring about significant progress.”

Dr. Andreas Mueller (Bosch), Chairman of 5G-ACIA, said: “We are very much looking forward to strengthening our collaboration with NGMN. Only with a joint effort involving all relevant stakeholders, will it be possible to unlock the huge potential that 5G may bring to the manufacturing industry. The agreement sets the ground for a deeper exchange between 5G-ACIA and NGMN and for joint activities around the globe. Industrial 5G will soon become reality.”

NGMN has driven and guided the development of wireless innovation in 5G since its first 5G White Paper was published in 2015. With the support of its well-established global partnership and technical expertise, NGMN has become a leading voice in the 5G industry.

Since its establishment in April 2018 as a working party of the ZVEI e.V., 5G-ACIA advocates globally to make industrial 5G a success. Very different 5G stakeholders, mainly organizations from the OT and ICT industries, jointly strive to make sure that the interests of the industrial domain are adequately considered in 5G standardization and regulation.


200210 NGMN Verticals URLLC Requirements v16

5G E2E Technology to Support Verticals URLLC Requirements

The aim of this work is to illustrate how 5G end-to-end deployment can meet vertical requirements and also highlight what are the main 5G URLLC technology enablers for use cases identified in the report. Some of these new use cases impose extremely low latency and high reliability requirements on 5G system from end-to-end perspective. This report also briefly describes 5G URLLC enablers along with reference architecture for specific use case and further evaluate how 5G URLLC can enable such use cases.

200210 NGMN Verticals URLLC Requirements v16 1

Verticals URLLC Use Cases and Requirements

This document summarizes URLLC use cases that have been developed in various SDO’s and industrial consortia, identifies some of those use cases that are more likely to be focus of the eco-system initially. It intends to provide guidance to SDO’s in developing technology to support URLLC and further work on “E2E technical solution for URLLC” in the NGMN project “Verticals URLLC requirements”.