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NGMN News Platzhalter

NGMN Announces new Chairman and Board Members

The Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance has announced its new Chairman and additions to its Board alongside the prioritisation of several key projects leading into 2019.

Frankfurt, GERMANY – Peter Meissner, CEO of NGMN, said: “We are delighted to welcome Emmanuel Lugagne Delpon as our new Board Chairman for 2018 to 2020. Emmanuel, Senior Vice President of Orange Labs Networks, brings substantial management and strategic competence as well as a strong background in IT and Telecommunications  to the Board. We are looking forward to his leadership and guidance as we embark on commercialisation of 5G and further strengthening NGMN’s impact”. 

Emmanuel Lugagne Delpon, said: “I am excited to be leading the Board at such a challenging time for 5G development and eager to steer NGMN’s strategy to cope with these challenges. The work NGMN does for the mobile ecosystem is impressive in its scope and ambition and I am fully committed to continue the Alliance’s valuable work together with my Board colleagues”.

In its Board meeting NGMN has also emphasized the importance of several key activities, which will be critical to the ongoing development and ultimately the deployment of 5G around the world. Among these flagship projects are the Trial and Testing Initiative, Vertical URLLC Requirements, E2E 5G Security, Telco Cloud and NFVI, Rural Coverage and Spectrum and Deployment Efficiency.

This news comes during the successful NGMN Industry Conference & Exhibition, the Alliance’s 7th, being held in Vancouver, Canada and concluding today. The conference has already attracted more than 400 visitors and is exploring the latest technology and thought leadership in 5G mobile broadband.

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NGMN News Platzhalter

New Deliverables From NGMN Suggest Principles to Build End-to-End Solutions for A Connected 5G Future

The NGMN Alliance – which drives and guides the development of all future mobile broadband technology with a focus on 5G – has published its three deliverables on 5G Extreme Requirements entitled “Operators’ views on fundamental trade-offs”, “RAN Solutions”, and “End-to-End considerations”, respectively.

Compiled by the Alliance’s 5G Extreme Requirements task force, the papers aim to highlight what implications and trade-offs related to the delivery of new 5G services are relevant for mobile network operators.

Ilaria Thibault, task force lead and Principal Researcher at Vodafone commented: “We are very excited to reveal the findings of the outcome of the Extreme Requirements task force, which was to really strike at the heart of what needs to be assessed before the world embarks on advanced 5G services.

This work quantifies and analyses the coverage impact of delivering new extreme 5G services (Ultra-reliable and Low-latency – URLLC) for the radio access network with a theoretical analysis, system-level simulations, and field trials. End-to-end deployment guidelines for meeting extreme requirements at a service level are also provided. Among these guidelines, techniques such as path redundancy and new transport-layer protocols are discussed to improve end-to-end latency and reliability.

For latency-critical services, interworking between the Non-3GPP processing delays and 3GPP processing delays has been assessed.”

CEO of the NGMN Alliance Peter Meissner added: “Our task force has highlighted several key challenges that are crucial to the future of 5G connectivity and how the industry needs to adequately deal with these. Consequently, this year’s NGMN Conference & Exhibition will see us run a special session where operators are set to share results from their 5G tests, trials and first user experience. Our aim is to uncover the new use cases of 5G and how they will be leveraged in the next few years.”

ngmn press and industry briefing at mw 2019

New Deliverables From NGMN Suggest Principles to Build End-to-End Solutions for A Connected 5G Future

The NGMN Alliance – which drives and guides the development of all future mobile broadband technology with a focus on 5G – has published its three deliverables on 5G Extreme Requirements entitled “Operators’ views on fundamental trade-offs”, “RAN Solutions”, and “End-to-End considerations”, respectively.

NGMN News Platzhalter

NGMN Alliance backs C-V2X technology for the Connected Car Eco-System

Two-year research project by members already providing cellular connectivity to over 30 million vehicles leads to ground-breaking white paper recommendations

Frankfurt, GERMANY, July 31, 2018 – The Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance – which drives and guides the development of all future mobile broadband technology with a focus on 5G – today published its V2X (cellular vehicle to everything) white paper containing the findings of two years of work by a task force of best in class industry specialists from across the world.

Key conclusions from the NGMN include:

  • C-V2X technology is superior to IEEE 802.11p standards from a technical, economical and eco-system perspective and can easily satisfy basic yet critical safety applications
  • Its technical advantages include communication range, latency and scalability
  • It has a natural evolution path to future advanced applications by updating current networks to 5G
  • It not only covers safety features for vehicles but also supports use cases for other traffic participants, such as pedestrians and cyclists
  • Tests are already ongoing, and the technology can be deployed by 2020


“This white paper can provide the framework for a smooth transition into the world of the truly Connected Car – especially as we start to see the introduction of 5G – and I strongly encourage all stakeholders involved in the Eco-System to read the document and shape their future planning around it,” said Huang Yuhong, Deputy General Manager China Mobile Research Institute.


The white paper follows the creation of a V2X task force in June 2016 to study and evaluate V2X technologies and requirements, while looking to harmonise Mobile Network Operators’ views on LTE-based V2X and DSRC/IEEE-802.11p.


Its objectives include a reduced time to market of C-V2X and triggering co-operation with the automotive industry in order to create a common understanding amongst key players. Additionally, its work is covering various deployment aspects of the Connected Car, including multi-operators and roaming, business models of operating an Intelligent Transport System (ITS), examining available spectrum and regulatory aspects and reviewing security and privacy issues.


Mme Huang stressed that NGMN supports the go-to-market statements from major industry stakeholders such as car manufacturers and chip-set suppliers. It also collaborates with other industry associations including 3GPP, ETSI and 5GAA.


The white paper comes just a month after NGMN confirmed the launch of four new key projects to support the development and deployment of 5G networks. The projects – “Spectrum and Deployment Efficiencies”, “Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication (uRLLC) Requirements for Vertical Industries”, “RAN Convergence” and “Extreme Long-range Communications for Deep Rural Coverage” – have been highlighted as crucial development areas to further optimise and guide the telecoms industry towards the successful deployment of 5G beyond 2018.

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NGMN News Platzhalter

NGMN Alliance launches new projects to boost 5G success

Updates on first 5G deployment experiences, further technology development and new business models to be shared at the NGMN Industry Conference in Vancouver, November 6-8, 2018

Frankfurt, GERMANY – Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) has confirmed the launch of four new key projects to support the development and deployment of 5G networks.

The projects – “Spectrum and deployment efficiencies”, “Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC) requirements for vertical industries”, “RAN convergence” and“Extreme long-range communications for deep rural coverage” – have been highlighted as crucial development areas to further optimise and guide the telecoms industry towards the successful deployment of 5G beyond 2018.

Chairman of the NGMN Alliance Board Johan Wibergh said: “We’re delighted to be leading the way with 5G projects that will bring about further improvements to next-generation networks. Together, they extend our existing work programme and demonstrate our on-going commitment to contributing to the industry.”

“The projects will support standards development with a future-thinking outlook, while guiding the industry towards the successful deployment of 5G, benefiting end users in a range of locations, including high density urban and underserved rural areas.”

Work is already beginning to address requirements from operators who are keen to bring efficient, high-quality and reliable 5G networks to the market. Activities include developing new deployment models for high-density networks, sharing best practices in vertical applications with extreme requirements, making better use of Wi-Fi and re-thinking technologies to adapt to emerging markets. The first results from these new activities will be shared at the NGMN Industry Conference & Exhibition in Vancouver in November 2018.

CEO of the NGMN Alliance Peter Meissner added: “Our conference and exhibition will showcase exciting new innovations and feature key industry leaders from across the globe who will share their first-hand experiences on the work going into the development of 5G.”

“It will also be an excellent opportunity to share the results of our work as we spend two days immersed in business models, technology development and capabilities of 5G. Presentations and discussion around 5G deployment, evolution and innovation and how its potential can be fully realised will be a highlight.”

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Five Things You Need To Know About 5G 1024x1024 2

Five Things You Need To Know About 5G

Barcelona, Spain – Three years after the publication of the NGMN 5G White Paper in 2015, the NGMN Alliance presents the operator perspective of the 5G technology development during the Mobile World Congress 2018. The announcement addresses five major aspects of 5G, with the headline:
“5G — five things you need to know about 5G and what it delivers”.

Over the last years, NGMN has been working on many projects, guiding the work of the standard developing organisations. The accelerated completion of the standard for the non-standalone new radio (NSA-NR) last December by 3GPP has moved 5G to the trial and early deployment phase.

At this important milestone, the NGMN Board has decided to publish its viewpoint on 5G with the following key messages:

  1. 5G will provide communication capabilities far beyond current networks and support a much wider ecosystem with a broad set of use cases and applications.
  2. 5G is evolutionary – with the potential for revolutionary applications.
  3. 5G brings favourable economics by new technologies and deployment scenarios.
  4. 5G will come soon – first commercial 5G equipment will be available by the end of 2018.
  5. Work on 5G is not complete yet: NGMN activities will be focusing on key challenges for successful 5G delivery.


Members of the NGMN Board of Directors, representing operators from Asia, Europe and North America, conveyed the messages to the audience during a Press and Industry Briefing at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, followed by a Q&A session.
Johan Wibergh, Chairman of the Board, said: “NGMN wants to cut through the hype around 5G and present a realistic view of the current status, as well as the work which still needs to be done over the next few years to evolve towards the full potential of 5G. The work programme of NGMN will continue to guide and drive the technical requirements of 5G, recognising that we are just at the start of the journey. NGMN will continue to support the development of a healthy ecosystem for all stakeholders.”