Legal Notice
NGMN Alliance e.V.
Signature by Regus
Breite Straße 3
40213 Düsseldorf, Germany
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Laurent Leboucher
CEO: Anita Döhler, Board Member
Register of Associations Frankfurt: 16263
VAT ID: DE321932996
Phone: +49 211 540 596 005
The content within the website is Copyright © NGMN Alliance e.V. The copying or incorporation into any other work of part or all of the material available on this website in any form without the prior written permission of NGMN is prohibited, save that you may:
- Print or download extracts of the material on this site for your personal use; or
- Copy the material on this site for the purpose of sending to individual third parties for their information provided that you acknowledge us as the source of the material and that you inform the third party that these conditions apply to them and that they must comply with them.
“NGMN” is a registered trademark. Names and brands of member companies and participants of NGMN are registered trademarks of those companies. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. NGMN is independent of those members and participants.
Disclaimer of Liability
The content of these pages represent the current view held by NGMN Alliance e.V. on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. This website and its contents are provided “as is.” No representation, warranty or undertaking whatsoever, express or implied (including any warranty of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for any particular purpose) is or will be made or given to the accuracy of this information. To the maximum extent permitted by law, all liability (including liability for the infringement of any property rights) relating to this site or its content and its use is expressly disclaimed. NGMN is not responsible and disclaims all liability in relation to the contents of other websites that may be accessed via links from this site. Readers should not design products based on information contained on this site. NGMN makes no representations or warranties that access to this web site will be uninterrupted or error free.
Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) USA – Revised Temporary General License
- After the change of the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) revised temporary general license NGMN is exempted from the final rule. Until further notice, the situation should be considered as “business as usual” during all the meetings called by NGMN.
- NGMN believes that unclassified technology and software disclosed pursuant to its activities are generally not subject to the EAR, as such technology and software is “published” and made available to the public without restrictions on its further dissemination through distribution at NGMN meetings generally accessible to the interested public and through public dissemination on the NGMN public website (i.e. unlimited distribution).
- Under EAR section 734.7, unclassified “technology” or “software” is “published,” and is thus not subject to the EAR, when it has been made available to the public without restrictions upon its further dissemination, such as through unlimited distribution at a meeting generally accessible to the public or through public dissemination (i.e. unlimited distribution) in any form.
- NGMN’s activity is the production of requirements for 5G. Any legal entity having interest in the development of 5G requirements can become a partner of NGMN. All contributions made by NGMN Partners are accessible on a partner server and/or are disseminated through newsletters to the NGMN partners and the general public.
- All work done by Partners in the different working groups of NGMN and resulting in technical specifications and/or requirements that are published, is publicly available and accessible for free without any kind of restrictions.
- Contributions, meetings, exchanges, discussions, or any form of other communication in or outside the NGMN meetings are of the accountability, integrity, and the responsibility of each NGMN Partner. In addition, Partners remain responsible for ensuring that none of their technical contributions include controlled software or technology or other information that is subject to US and/or non-US export control regulations.
- Individual Partners with questions regarding the impact of laws and regulations on their participation in NGMN should contact their companies’ legal counsels.
Illustrations on Homepage – Mario Wagner / Image sources: Home – Blue Planet Studio/, REDPIXEL.PL/, optimarc/, TippaPatt/, Vision & Mission – Blue Planet Studio/, Work Programme – optimarc/, Newsletter-Subscription – TippaPatt/, Meetings & Conferences – tostphoto/, Publications – metamorworks/